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The Only Answer
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The Only Answer
Magan Vernon
Text copyright© 2014 by Magan Vernon
All rights reserved
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form by or any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author.
For information visit www.maganvernon.com
Summary: The sequel to the international hit, The Only Exception. A boy burdened with a family legacy. A girl haunted by a shattered past. Both searching for answers to a future threatened by the unknown. Three years ago, conservative Trey Chapman and liberal Monica Remy met their match in one another - and made the only exception that would change their lives forever. Now, Trey's father is running for president, forcing Trey and Monica to put aside their personal beliefs to be the model of perfection. But fate has other ideas, casting the family in scandal. Some seek to use that disgrace to further their family legacy, while others refuse to let go of the past. Trey and Monica soon find themselves lost among questions that challenge their true feelings. Will they be able to rediscover that the only answer lies with one another, or will they lose each other forever?
First Edition, August 2014
Cover Design by Regina Wamba
For all those who wouldn’t let me give up.
This is for you, my minions.
Chapter 1
Ever since I could remember, I spent every election night on the couch with my family. We would watch all of the conventions, the primaries, and everything leading up to that momentous moment when the next president was announced.
Now my dad was going to be announced as the next Republican candidate for President.
The same night I was proposing to my girlfriend.
A staunch liberal. Who wouldn’t stop complaining in the passenger seat next to me.
“Do you really need me to see your new apartment that bad? What if we’re late and then your dad blames it on me and starts yelling at me on national television?”
I squeezed Monica’s hand which she placed on the console between us. “It’s going to be fine. I promise it’s just a quick trip.”
The August air was thick, the kind that makes you feel like you hit a brick wall as soon as you step out of the air conditioning and onto the street. My suit was practically sticking to me. I hoped Monica couldn’t see the outline of the ring box in my coat pocket. I was so nervous about it that I had my tailor sew in a secret pocket just so there wasn’t a chance she might find it.
“If you say so,” she said, blowing the hair out of her eyes and tucking a fallen curl behind her ear. The only good thing about Chicago summers were that they made her hair curlier, and there was something I found incredibly sexy about her hair when it was curly.
“I promise it’ll be real quick.” I put my hand on the small of her back, leading her up the cement stairs to the brownstone apartment. As soon as I saw the place it reminded me of her. I’m sure everyone expected me to have some penthouse condo that looked out over Lake Michigan, but I preferred the older, French style home in Lincoln Park that was walking distance to coffee shops. I just hoped Monica agreed.
My hand shook as I opened the black wrought iron gate. “After you.”
“You know if you’re really that nervous we can just go get coffee or something before heading to McCormick place. We don’t have to come here.”
My hands were shaking. I had to laugh. She thought I was nervous about the Republican National Convention and Dad’s announcement. She had absolutely no idea what I was about to do. “It’s fine. Really. I’m looking forward to you seeing the new place and finding out what you think about it.”
“Okay. As long as it’s air conditioned I’m sure I’ll like it.” Her heels clicked on the cement stairs that led up to the building and I finally opened the door leading into the small foyer.
The floors were dark hardwood with a small office just off the entry way. Monica immediately poked her head in there. “Is this going to be my bedroom? I don’t think a bed will even fit in there.”
“Yeah, I guess we can try to tell your parents you’re sleeping under my desk or something.” I pulled her close and walked down the hall toward the kitchen. It was completely updated with modern stainless steel appliances, dark wood cabinets, and recessed lighting. She was the only one who ever cooked in our relationship, so I knew that would be her domain.
“Wow, this is gorgeous! Much better than The Pines.” Monica stepped from the kitchen to where it opened into the living room. Three sets of French doors opened out to a small, wrought iron balcony that overlooked the tree-lined street. There wasn’t any furniture in the place yet so the room looked even more spacious with the light gray walls and dark wooden floors.
“Yeah. I hoped you’d like it.” I took her hand. “Come on, let’s see the rest of the place.”
I hadn’t been so nervous to take someone into my bedroom since I lost my virginity to Monica. That was years ago and I was still anxious, but this time was for a completely different reason.
“And this is where the magic happens,” she said with a laugh. The bedroom was what sold me on the whole apartment. It was spacious and had another set of French doors that led out to a private patio. It was roomy, airy and watching Monica walk toward the doors, her heels barely making a sound on the dark wooden floor, made me even more anxious to get on with the next step.
“There isn’t going to be anything happening here until I pick out a paint color.” I rubbed the back of my neck but quickly shoved it into the pocket of my blazer as soon as she turned toward me, her eyebrow raised.
“A paint color?” She crossed her arms over her chest, walking back toward me and closing the space between us. “You can’t be serious. I know your anal, but I didn’t think it was that bad.”
I let out a small, breathy laugh and shook my head. “Mon, you know how am when I have my mind set on something.” I took her hand, leading her over to the far wall where two small paint cans and paint brushes stood in front of it. “That’s why I brought you here tonight. I needed your opinion on what color to paint this room. I figured you’d be spending a lot of time here and I wanted you to think of it as your place as well.”
She raised a skeptical eyebrow. “You do know I’m wearing a dress, right? That, and, we’re about to go to the Republican National Convention where your father is about to be announced as the Republican candidate for President.”
“Your point?”
“Do you really want me to walk in there with paint smudges on this dress? Especially if it’s white and I look like another Monica?”
No matter how nervous I was the girl could always make me smile. It was one of the many reasons I loved her. Slowly I crouched down and opened one of the paint cans. “I’ll let you use the red paint then so it will blend in with your dress.” I stood up and handed her the small can along with a brush.
“Did anyone ever tell you that you’re very persistent?” she said, taking the brush and can.
“Every single day of my life and you love it.” I picked up the other can and brush.
She smiled, shaking her head. “Yeah, yeah. You’re lucky I put up with you.” She turned toward the wall. “You want me to just start painting?”
“Yes. Get a big enough square so we can see if we like that color for the wall. At least one foot by one foot.”
“Those are very precise measurements,” she said, loo
king at me out of the corner of my eye.
“Always best to be precise, Miss Remy.” I smiled, waiting for her to start painting to I could work on my own.
“Very true, Mr. Chapman.” She finally took her eyes off me and began stroking the brush against the wall.
I wasn’t sure how long it would take her to paint so I had to work fast. I didn’t even care if I spilled on my five-thousand dollar suit coat as long as I got the job done. By the time I was finished I turned fully toward Monica. My nerves were at an all time high and my heart was beating so fast I couldn’t even count the beats as I waited for her to look at me.
Usually she did everything she could to try to beat me. I loved her competitiveness and the way she challenged me. Not today. Now I just wanted her to finish her painting and finally turn around. But she wasn’t even looking in my direction. She was lost in thought, meticulously painting the tiny red square on the wall.
I wasn’t one to get flustered but I let out an audible groan. That was when she widened her eyes and finally turned toward me. “What the hell is your problem, Trey?” She dropped the paint brush in her can.
I opened my mouth to answer but she cut me off before I could speak. “You rushed me through dinner so we could see your new apartment, an apartment that I’m not even going to really be living in because I can’t get a real job. Then as soon as we get here you’re rushing me to get in the bedroom so you can paint a freaking wall when we’re both dressed up for the convention. I’ve put up with a lot from you and I know you’re nervous about tonight, but you have to freaking relax or you’re going to drive me crazy!”
I cleared my throat. “Okay.” I nodded. “I understand I’ve been on edge tonight, but there’s a perfectly good reason and we can discuss it after I see which paint color is better for the wall.” I stepped back, smiling with my hands in my pocket.
She raised an eyebrow, turning away from the wall and putting her hands on her hips. “What kind of stunt are you trying to pull right now? Are you hiding something? Is this where you break up with me?”
I usually loved her stubbornness but now Monica was getting to be a little bit too much. I was already on edge and had it all planned out, but nothing was going quite right. Love was never perfect that way, but once I found Monica I learned that things didn’t have to be perfect to work out.
Slowly I extended one hand and kept the other in my pocket. “Just come stand here with me and look at the wall and stop being so obstinate.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “What if I said no?”
I took a few steps toward her until we were toe-to-toe. I didn’t say anything. Instead I just smiled and put my hands on her waist, lifting her in the air. She squealed as I walked backwards a few steps before setting her down a couple feet away.
“You’re very, very persistent, Mr. Chapman.”
I took her hands in mine. “I am when I know what I want and I’ve known that I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you. The first time you opened your mouth and spoke to me. I knew there wasn’t going to be anyone else but you.” Slowly I turned her toward the wall and she gasped, removing her hands from mine and covering her mouth as soon as she read the words I painted on the wall: Will you marry me?
I pulled the velvet box out of my pocket and stood in front of her before I got down on one knee and opened the box, holding it before her. The woman at Tiffany’s told me the diamond cut was called the Lucida after the brightest star in a constellation. She didn’t even need to tell me all of that before I was sold on the large square diamond with its smaller diamond side stones and open curved diamond band. There something incredibly unique about it. Something that caught my eye. Just like Monica.
I swallowed hard, trying to focus on my words instead of the tears that welled up in her eyes. These weren’t tears of sorrow like the night she poured her soul to me after Alpha Mu’s barn dance. These were tears of joy. “Monica Remy, it’s been three years since you first walked into my life. Three of the best years I’ve ever had. We’ve laughed together. Cried together. Everything. Together. I can’t imagine my life without you. I picked out this apartment especially so I could share it with you and our future collectively. And I hope that you’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife.”
I held my breath waiting for her response, counting down each second to my heart beat. Finally she nodded slowly before removing her hands from her mouth. “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes. Yes. Yes. A million times yes!” she said louder.
I couldn’t hold the grin that was threatening to split my face. I put the ring on her finger, slowly standing up before wrapping her arms around her waist. “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world tonight, Monica.”
She wiped a tear that fell onto her cheek before wrapping her arms around my neck. “I love you so much. I can’t believe you planned all of this. I had no idea.”
I pressed my forehead to yours. “I wanted it to be special. You deserve that. You deserve someone who treats you like you’re the most important person in the world and if I ever stop doing that just let me know.”
She didn’t say anything and she didn’t need to. Instead she kissed me, filling it with all the passion and love words couldn’t say. I wrapped my arms tighter around her waist as she deepened our kiss, fisting my hair which involuntarily caused me to groan into her mouth. She took that as the chance to nip at my bottom lip and every part of me felt like it was on fire. I needed to get both of us naked as soon as possible.
My hands trailed down her waist then I slowly skimmed my fingers along her butt before roaming to the hem of her dress, pulling it up and grazing the fabric of her lace panties. She gasped, arching her back and grinding her hips against mine. If I wasn’t hard before that pretty much sealed the deal.
I cupped her butt, lifting her in the air as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I took a few steps forward until I had her back pressed against the opposite wall, her hands gripping my hair with her legs pulled tightly around my waist for balance. Every part of me wanted every part of her and I couldn’t get enough.
Her hands moved to my shoulders and I helped her slide my coat off, pulling my arms out of the sleeves and dropping it to the ground behind me while keeping her balanced against the wall. Then she made quick work off untucking my shirt and started unbuttoning it. My lips were instantly on hers before they trailed down her jawline to her neck, listening to the sweet breathless moans she made when my teeth met her sensitive skin.
This wasn’t my usual method. Everything we did was always precise and planned out, but sometimes I just had to make an exception and getting engaged definitely was an exception to have her up against the wall.
I slid my hand up her thigh until my thumb was at her center, running over the front of her panties. She was warm. Wet. Ready. I pushed aside the thin material and slowly hooked a finger inside of her, brushing my thumb against her clit. She moaned, her thighs trembling around me. “Trey,” she whispered before nipping at my ear.
I pressed my finger deeper into her and she came around me, her breathy moan right in my ear. “I hope you aren’t done yet,” I whispered.
Her eyes met mine, her face flushed. “What?” she asked breathlessly.
I kept my gaze on hers and moved my hand to the waistband of her panties and dropping her legs before I tugged her panties down until they fell to her feet. I pulled back slightly and made quick work of undoing my belt and unbuttoning and unzipping my pants before dropping them to the ground along with my boxer briefs. Her eyes locked on mine. They were so full of desire I couldn’t look away as I lifted her back up against the wall, lifted her dress up, and pressed into her. She gasped, gripping into my shoulders and wrapping her legs tightly around me.
I didn’t care that we were about to go to one of the biggest events for my dad or that the neighbors could possibly see us through the balcony door. All I cared about was how good she felt and how sweetly she said my name as her hips met mine. Her breath quicken
ed and she gripped onto my hair, tugging it lightly as her thighs quaked against my waist, coming hard on me. Watching her come undone always did me in and I stiffened following soon after her.
We didn’t say anything for a while. Just stayed there against the wall with me holding her and her heart beating against mine. After I could finally breathe again I ran my fingers through her hair. “I love you, Monica,” I whispered.
“I love you, too, my fiancé.”
I leaned back, smiling once I saw her face. “That has a great ring to it, doesn’t it? It’s going to be even better when it’s Mrs. Chapman instead.”
She pouted out her bottom lip. “What if I want to keep my maiden name?”
I shook my head but kept the smile on my face. “You’ve always been an independent liberal.”
“And you love me for it.”
“That I do, Monica. That I do.”
Chapter 2
It had been a little over a month since Trey proposed and it took me that whole month to find a job in the city. Okay, more like settling for a job. I’d applied at every women’s rights organization I could, but they either weren’t hiring or as soon as they saw who I was engaged to, they turned the other cheek. No one wanted to deal with the future daughter-in-law of the Republican candidate for President. That meant I had to stick with the same job I’d been doing for the past three years at college: barista.
“You know, the offer is still on the table for you to work with me,” Trey said, pouring coffee into a thermos.
I shook my head before pulling my hair into a ponytail. “No way. Not only do I not want to work for my fiancé, but there is no way in hell I’m going to work at the republican headquarters downtown.”
Trey basically had a job handed to him, heading up his father’s campaign at the Chicago office. He was born for the job and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was running for an office of his own soon. He was the epitome of a politician, even standing in the high-end kitchen at six a.m. His hair was perfectly gelled, his suit pressed, and the smile on his face could bring anyone to their knees, even both sets of our parents when he asked them about us moving in. I was sure his would object, but somehow he talked them into it. If I’d have asked they would have both turned me down.